Top Dollar-Producing Activities for Agents “I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.” – Shakespeare Two thousand three-hundred hours. If you’re a typical agent, that’s how many hours you’ll work this year, according to NAR. That’s a…
Business building tips to help success-minded agents grow their business.
Top Dollar-Producing Activities for Agents “I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.” – Shakespeare Two thousand three-hundred hours. If you’re a typical agent, that’s how many hours you’ll work this year, according to NAR. That’s a…
UncategorizedVisiting Your Sphere Twice a Year
At least twice a year you should make an effort to personally visit each of your sphere of influence members. Why? There is nothing as powerful in business as personal contact. Shaking hands with another person or looking someone in…
UncategorizedThe reasons you call the agent who showed your house are: To jog the agent’s memory about the house so that you may be able to get a second showing. To answer any questions or concerns that the buyer…
UncategorizedHave you had a major life event such as an illness or a divorce that has made you stop to think about your financial future? If something were to happen today, do you have a plan in place to make…
Uncategorized(Looking) Back to the Future – A Glance Back Can Make the Future More Profitable
Here’s what I want you to know: History can be an extraordinary teacher. The philosopher George Santayana, in 1906, wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” And today, over 100 years later, those words…
UncategorizedMake More Money with the 80/20 Principle
By figuring out which activities bring in the most revenue, you can boost your sales and be more successful. Does thinking of higher productivity make you tired? Do you feel like you’re already working as hard as you can? Does…
UncategorizedMaking the Shift from Top Producer to Successful Broker
Has the metamorphosis from agent to broker taken hold? If not, it could be costing you and your real estate business some big bucks. Brokers, it is time to knight yourself as CEO. It is just the way things…
UncategorizedThe 10 Biggest and Most Common Business Planning Mistakes
Have you been part of the majority of agents in the “plan-less” category? Perhaps you are now ready to raise your standard of greatness by creating a written plan. Before you get started, take a look at some of the…
UncategorizedFootball Season is Back: What’s Your Turnover?
Are you on the offence or defense of your business? Just like in football, you want to avoid turnover in your business. It can be a real game changer. You should be on the offence with a game plan of…
UncategorizedOvercoming Buyer Agency Objections
Would you like to create loyal clients? Would you like to get paid for working? Then you must get every buyer that you would like to work with to sign an exclusive agreement! Let’s say you went to the dentist…
UncategorizedAre you setting your team up for success or failure? As Team Leaders we all want our team members to be successful. Ultimately it means more money, less time, and less stress for us. More importantly than that, we need…
UncategorizedLack of Commitment: Is this stemming from you?
Your whole life changes the day you make a commitment. A commitment is what transforms a promise into REALITY. It’s the word that speaks boldly of your intentions and the actions that speak louder than words. It’s making the…
UncategorizedIt is rare that a sale is made after an initial contact with a prospect, especially for any large ticket item or service such as real estate. Customers buy on their schedule and it is the job of the agent…
UncategorizedOf the choices listed below, which skill do you think is the most important to be a successful real estate agent? 1. Learn to write a contract 2. Learn how to do a CMA 3. Learn to use the…
UncategorizedI wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of the men and women who served, fought, and died to not only make possible this wonderful country we live in, but also to sustain and protect our freedoms. It is…
UncategorizedSetting Work and Life Boundaries
Own the job; don’t let the job own you. When you work with a group of people setting boundaries can carry risks. If you work for a company that frowns upon employees taking their full vacation allotment or leaving…
UncategorizedHave you reached a place in your real estate career where you are ready for the next level? Do you seek guidance and advice from someone that has been where you are and where you want to take your business? Are you ready to build your dream business, not someone else’s model? Please fill out our Journey to Success form to learn more about how Corcoran Consulting and Coaching can help you reach the level of Success that YOU want in your business. One of our Business Consultants will reach out to you to schedule a 30-minute Free Business Consultation to go over your needs. We will discuss where you have been, where you are now and where you want to go? We will help you put together a blueprint of the SUCCESS story you want to build and show you how Corcoran can help you achieve it.