Playing your cards intelligently means starting with a plan. Do you have one to capture this mouth-watering market? If not,…
Business building tips to help success-minded agents grow their business.
Playing your cards intelligently means starting with a plan. Do you have one to capture this mouth-watering market? If not,…
UncategorizedHow to be a Great Agent Every Day
Dennis Conner, the great yachtsman, came be known as Mr. America’s Cup. But he could have just as easily been named Mr. Consistent — he won 28 world championships. Now, think closer to home. Think of a top producing agent…
UncategorizedAs we all know, Saturday is Valentine’s Day. If you’re just now realizing, it’s my pleasure! It seems this holiday brings out two types of people from us. The kind who fall head over heels for the one’s we love…
UncategorizedHave you ever had a crisis in your career? Maybe we should ask how many have you had today? Let’s face it, a great Client Care Coordinator is first and foremost a problem solver, and because of this, the front…
UncategorizedWhy Most of Your Leads are Dead Before You Even Call Them
Fifteen minutes can be the difference between a deal and no deal If 15 minutes pass before you follow up with a lead, that lead’s vital signs will begin a slow and steady decline. The peaks and valleys of the…
UncategorizedHave you ever thought about adding a p.s. to your email signature? P.S. If you should know anyone thinking of buying or selling real estate, please do two things: First: Tell them about ABC Real Estate, and, Second: Hit the…
UncategorizedRecruiting the Right People for the Right Job
Agents perform four tasks that are dollar-producing: list, prospect, sell and negotiate. The rest is non-dollar producing activities. Everything you do outside these four items is not a good use of your time, time that could be spent taking your…
UncategorizedChange Your Mindset and Thrive in Your Business This Year
The secret to success in real estate – and in life – is much closer than many of us realize: it’s right inside our head. During my years of helping REALTORS®, I’ve found three distinctions that separate the successful from…
UncategorizedYour Corcoran Consulting and Coaching Team would like to thank you for helping us make 2014 an amazing year! The support we have received from you, our clients and followers has been very appreciated. We have experienced some of the…
UncategorizedThe Corcoran Consulting & Coaching Team would like to take this opportunity to thank you and wish you a very Merry Christmas! May you enjoy your holiday season filled with good friends and family. Make a Commitment: Take this time…
Uncategorized‘Twas the Tip Before Christmas
It has never been, nor will it ever be, all about you. As we review our goals achieved, our goals missed, and our plans for the next year, how much of our attention has solely been focused on ourselves?…
UncategorizedWhy Some Agents Sell More Than You
With all due respect to Abraham Lincoln, all real estate agents are not created equal. Now before you get mad at me, hear me out. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing that agents are unequal. It’s just the…
UncategorizedMay the beauty of the Thanksgiving season touch your heart, renew your faith, and refresh your spirit. Happy Thanksgiving from the Corcoran Consulting & Coaching Team
Uncategorized10 Tips to Create Your Best Year Ever
Visualize your perfect year right now. Ignore the committee in your head if they start in about being reasonable or knowing how. A big goal that excites you in its possibility can be achieved and is more likely to be…
UncategorizedHow to Convert More Prospects into Clients
Track your conversion rate. Most agents have no idea what their conversion rate is. Can you picture Tiger Woods not knowing what par is on any given hole he is playing? For real estate professionals like you, it is the…
UncategorizedNo we’re not asking you to fall back in your business! Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday November 2nd. Have you taken this opportunity to make an extra touch to your clients and past…
UncategorizedHave you reached a place in your real estate career where you are ready for the next level? Do you seek guidance and advice from someone that has been where you are and where you want to take your business? Are you ready to build your dream business, not someone else’s model? Please fill out our Journey to Success form to learn more about how Corcoran Consulting and Coaching can help you reach the level of Success that YOU want in your business. One of our Business Consultants will reach out to you to schedule a 30-minute Free Business Consultation to go over your needs. We will discuss where you have been, where you are now and where you want to go? We will help you put together a blueprint of the SUCCESS story you want to build and show you how Corcoran can help you achieve it.